
Friday, July 1, 2011

Hundreds of Homes

What were you doing two years ago?  This month marks the two year anniversary of our arrival to South Central Los Angeles.  In some ways the drugs, violence, and constant screams from the sirens whizzing by us has become almost normal, but the darkness, oppression and lost people here continue to burn deep into our hearts.  We are even more stirred up and committed to seeing the lost saved, healthy leaders trained up and to plant churches that reproduce than ever before. 

God called us out of our security and comfort to help people from many different backgrounds living in a poverty stricken environment.  We came to help people – the forgotten, the unseen, the unloved. 

Nobody else is looking after the men and women passed out in the park – yet we have been able to bring a constant message of hope and healing to them by preaching the Gospel and feeding their spiritual hunger along with their physical hunger.  And who is there to love their children that are left to fend for themselves while their parents are drugged out?  We offer Bible clubs where these children come and learn about Jesus and feel His love through us as we talk, play and listen to them. 

Our experience has confirmed the statistic stating that Los Angeles is the most unevangelized Hispanic city in the world.  The majority of the people we contact have NO accurate, biblical concept of who Jesus is or how to receive salvation.   We have been able to show people how to talk with God, how to love themselves as Christ does, how to understand the Bible and how to kick addictions through bringing them to Jesus. 

We reach out to families and minister to the whole family.  We are committed to seeing entire families come to Jesus together and then grow in Christ according to their specific needs.  We help them have healthy marriages, raise their children in a godly way and maneuver through the many challenges that come with being poor and living in the city.  Since nearly all our families are first generational immigrants there are even more unique problems that we take to God together with them. 

We have visited hundreds of people in their homes as well as many in the hospital.  We have been to countless birthday parties.  We have been by their side at medical clinics for hours on end.  Living here allows us so many opportunities.    

We have people that will not come to church because they have been caught up in the crossfire of gang warfare on their way home and are scared.  We visit them at their home, but we are looking at ways to help everyone feel safe enough to come to our corporate meetings.  The community of believers that is ever growing is so important – every new believer plays a vital role!  Continue to pray with us as we give our all each and every day to see the church we are planting, Fuente para las Naciones, established and many, many people come to know Jesus!

As you pray, would you also consider joining us by giving financially to support this ministry here in Los Angeles?  For our family to continue ministering to these precious families and individuals unhindered we need to partner together so that we can be 100% funded and continue giving our time and gifts to those that need to hear the Gospel.  You can return the slip included with this letter indicating the gift is to be directed to “Wolyn” or give online at and look for the “$ Support Chad & Fabiola” link.  Thank you for your consideration - we know that together we will see lots of lives impacted for Jesus!


Chad & Fabiola

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