
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Taking Ownership

Our oldest child, Rebecca, who is now 7 years old, has done some things that have surprised us lately.  First, she gave all her spending money that she has been saving for the last month or so away as an offering (that is on top of the normal offering she always gives).  Then, knowing that we have been in a re-building phase with the teachers and volunteers of the toddler’s class at church, she asked permission if she could be a teacher’s assistant.  While all the other second and third graders were in their class Rebecca was teaching the Bible to the 3 and 4 year olds.  It is becoming more and more evident that our daughter has a heart for the city, for the people in her community and church.  The exciting thing is that it isn’t just our daughter, but many others in the church that are taking ownership of this ministry more and more.  It is gradual, but you can see life – people are giving more and doing more…it is a heart of joy, a heart of gratitude….God’s love is transforming us!


Youth - San Diego Missions Trip
·       Our church sent out its first short-term missions team. 
·       The team stayed with another youth group in San Diego and did work projects (a deep clean of the church and trash pickup in the streets) as well as ministry projects (taught Sunday school, fed and prayed with the homeless, and shared their testimonies with the youth group). 
·       It was really good for the youth to get out of Los Angeles, see more of the world and interact with another youth group that has youth that have been walking with God for a longer time. 
·       They were able to see a little bit of the city and surrounding area as well and came back bonded as a group and ready for another missions trip.  

Part of the team in front of a fountain…our church’s name is “Fountain for the Nations”.  

Picking up trash in the neighborhood.    
Packing lunches for the homeless.
Both youth groups join forces to go out and feed, evangelize and pray for the homeless.  
The youth taught a Bible lesson and craft at the church’s Sunday school class.

Christmas Program
·       The children came up with the concept and then the parent’s helped put on some finishing touches making this year’s Christmas Program a great success.
·       The core message was: “We worship Jesus.  He is the real Christmas gift.”
·       It was exciting because we had four visiting families (friends or family of the child performers).  They got to hear the Christmas message and enjoy a wonderful evening with us. 
·       One of our guests who had refused to ever set foot into a Christian church commented later that she enjoyed the relaxed and joyous atmosphere and was thinking about coming back.  

Pictured above: (1-5) Sharing “The Gift” Christmas program with the church, family and friends.  
A time of desserts, fellowship and games followed indoors. 

·       A work group came in and helped us remodel a few things at our ‘new’ church building.  One of the most exciting was to create an office space.
·       Over the last few weeks our church has been busy cleaning, moving things, re-organizing and painting our new space. 

New Year’s Outreach
·       We had over 250 people come out to our annual New Year’s Fun Fair at the park. 
·       The majority of our church came out to help evangelize, build relationships, serve food and help check people in.   

The check-in booth was run by several ladies and a youth from our church.  
Everything was free, but you had to play games to win raffle tickets and then trade them in for prizes.  This gave us a chance to have more time and conversation with people. 
Beads/Bracelet making table.

We had two bounce houses and a myriad of fun games and activities. 
Lots of hot dogs! 
Face painting. 

Nail painting.

Please Pray with Us…

ü  Youth Winter Camp January 19-21
-Most of our youth have come to know Jesus as their Lord & Savior so pray that this would be a deepening of that knowledge and relationship – a purifying and growing time. 
-There are a few new youth that still need to make a commitment—pray that this retreat would be the launching pad for them to enter into that eternal security and purpose. 

ü  Travel to Mexico
-Our family will be traveling to Mexico this month for a week of pastor’s meetings and a celebration at Fabiola’s home church where the current lead pastor will be handing the mantle and responsibility of leadership to the second generation. 
-We will also have some time to visit with our family there.  Pray for safe, healthy travels and a refreshing, renewing and recharging. 

ü  Church Leadership
-We continue to mentor and disciple people in our church to take on ministry roles from cleaning and maintenance to teaching and leading worship. 
-Pray with us that people would grow in godly character and be F.A.T. (Faithful, Available and Teachable). 
-While we are away in Mexico there will be more opportunities for people to put some of what they have been learning in practice as they lead the church. 

ü  Leader In Training Retreat February 2-3

ü  Worship Ongoing and February 9
-Chad has begun mentoring one of the men in the church in the area of worship and music.  Please pray for that relationship to effectively grow a humble worshipful spirit and a skilled musical leader. 
-We will also be hosting our quarterly music workshop.  Pray for a great turn out of students and teachers – we want to stir up the interest and passion for playing instruments and worshipping God through music. 

ü  Teacher’s Training Conference February 16
-Part of training up leaders and growing as a church is having a group of volunteers that can effectively teach our children.  We have a group of ladies that have been growing in this area. 
-We are blessed to have an experienced and passionate teacher come put on an all day workshop so that we can get equipped and trained to do the job God has called us to do as a church. 
-Along with praying for the conference, pray for us to work out the child-care situation.  At this writing the group we were counting on fell through so we don’t have anyone to watch the children while the parents are in the conference. 

ü  Family
-Cover us as we know the enemy loves to attack God’s children in this area. 
-Pray that our family would have quality times together.  We as parents do not want to be too busy for our children; nor do we want to miss out on quality times with one another as husband and wife.   
-Having our new house apart from the church building has helped us a lot to balance things. 

Thank you again for joining us in this exciting mission! 
Together we are victorious in Christ.  We press on so that more may know Jesus, who gives us life and strength. 

Chad, Fabiola, Rebecca and Justice

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