
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

It feels like it has been a long time since we sent out an update. Things have been very busy here with an expanding sphere of influence, growing ministries and our addition to our family (our niece).

Here are some quick bullet point updates on the last 3+ months:

Ministry with World Impact

Ø  Trained 13 teams in our Evangel School of Church Planting representing 17 US cities and other nations.  Their combined vision is to plant 1,200 over the next 3 years.
 Ø  Coaching 9 people in church planting and ministry development.
 Ø  Led 2 workshops with 12 ministries/churches involved on helping churches integrate the formerly incarcerated in their churches.
 Ø  200 men at men’s retreat (Interpreted all sessions into Spanish).
 Ø  150 women at women’s retreat. (Fabiola helped with interpretation.)
 Ø  We just handed out over 300 turkeys & food boxes to 25 church/ministries ministering amongst the urban poor. Thanks to all the churches and individuals that donated towards this and prayer for God’s provision!!
 Ø  Chad was invited to preach at a local church’s Cultural Unity Day.
 Ø  Successful deputation time visiting supporting churches, friends and family this summer:  Currently 92% funded.

Ministry with Fuente para las Naciones
Ø  Launching an English service (pilot for the first 3 months of 2020).
Pray for our launch day, January 12)

Ø  Church-wide Serve Day leading up to Thanksgiving.
We went out to the streets and handed out 100 meals to the homeless and most needy in our community.

Ø  Christmas Banquet & Toy Store and other outreaches coming up in the next few weeks.
There has been an increase in visitors checking out our church, being invited by friends. During times like Christmas these events give us more time and opportunity to build relationships and share about Jesus and our church.

Christmas Toys Needed
Are you willing to help us with our Toy Store? 
This annual event gives families from our church and community the opportunity to come buy a gift or two at deeply discounted prices (up to 75% off). This makes getting a special gift for their children more attainable, but still allows for them to feel the ownership and dignity of choosing and buying the gift themselves. There is a real special feel as our church really makes the space festive and hospitable and a group from our church does all the follow-up afterwards to help make a deeper connection for these families.

We need 100+ toys and gifts for boys and girls from 2 years – 18 years old. You can send or drop off gifts, order them online and have them delivered directly to us or send us a check and we’ll do the shopping. Please have money or gifts to us by December 14th at the very latest.

If you are able to give towards this special event, please send your gift to our church: FUENTE PARA LAS NACIONES (note this is different than our normal support giving sent to World Impact):

Fuente para las Naciones
C/O Chad & Fabiola Wolyn   
2001 S. Vermont Ave.                        
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Family Life

Ø  Rebecca is absolutely loving high school. Thank you to all who helped pray and give to make this possible. She is on the volleyball team and a student ambassador. She loves her Bible, art and theater classes.
 Ø  Our niece Angela has slowly been adapting to living her life in Los Angeles with us, she is in 8th grade. There is a lot more laughter and activity with her in the house. 
 Ø  Justice has been creating short animated videos with his Legos and is doing great in 7th grade.
 Ø  Beniah started Kindergarten and claims preschool had better toys but has new friends and is doing great…and getting ready for his first Christmas Pageant. 
 Ø  Fabiola is busier than ever with home, school, extra-curricular and church activities. She loves finding a few moments for coffee time in the mornings. 😊

Thank you for standing with us in prayer. We are grateful to you and our God for how we’ve been sustained and able to minister here in the city. It isn’t always easy, but the need and move of God to meet that need is undeniable.

We hope you have a great Thanksgiving and blessed Christmas!

Chad, Fabiola, Rebecca, Angela, Justice and Beniah

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