
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Walking with Pastors

We all go through tough times from time to time in our life. We are so thankful for you - friends and family who lift our hands up, pray for us and support us. Sadly, not everyone has such a rich support system. We work with people, many of them pastors and leaders, who have very few people to turn to for support.

One of the privileges of our job is to be able to take time to walk with people through their hard times – in life or ministry or whatever. These might be emerging leaders in the church we started out of our home years ago or the new network of pastors and church leaders we are pouring into now.


After a very hard day, we walked through an area riddled with drug dealers, prostitutes and people without homes. We were walking to invite people to a job fair for the formerly incarcerated. But the time walking together was more than just ministry to those on the street – we were able to minister to one another. Soon after leaving the church property, we ran into a colorful group of individuals in front of a local drug home. They were initially intimidated by us, but once they heard we were from a local church they dropped their guard and shared their stories with us.  As we continued on our walk, we shared our stories – leader to leader, pastor to pastor, person to person. We walked through a city full of hurt and pain and yet we were able to share our own burdens and encourage one another in this tough journey of serving the least of these. On a day when you may feel like you just can’t go on any longer, having somebody walk with you and speak life can make all of the difference. We want to see every leader flourish and accomplish the mission God has given them.  


The very next day the setting changed completely, the smells and sights improved. I got to meet with another leader, not on the streets this time, but in a nice café in a different part of the city. There sipping our drinks we were able to talk about the ups and downs of life and ministry. We strategized and put some resources together for future church planting efforts that will reach more people than either of us could ever do on our own. We then lifted one another up in prayer leaving each other encouraged and ready for the next challenge to come our way.


A couple mornings later, as we sat around the makeshift table eating a Salvadorian breakfast, we introduced ourselves and began to share about our ministries. In no time we discovered our similar passion to reach the lost in our city and empower the people in our communities. This mission coupled with an understanding for the need for encouragement, relationship, accountability and resourcing is really at the core of our Urban Church Associations. While we are involved in many aspects of ministry here at World Impact pouring into future and current leaders and helping them be more healthy and fruitful is a big and important part.


Please keep us and these other leaders in your prayers…we all go through tough times from time to time.

Please be in prayer for the following:

  • Our family as we drive up to Oregon/Northern California for a few weeks to connect with friends and supporting churches and continue to raise funds for our mission work.
  • Our Men’s & Women’s Retreats (in September and October).

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