“The greatest good
you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him
his own.” - Benjamin Disrael
Over the years God has blessed us
with great biblical fellowship, teaching and leadership as we’ve grown-up
spiritually. He has also allowed us to
learn skills in education, the arts and family life. All of these things we gladly give away as we
help others discover for themselves the riches God has deposited in them. We never came to minister in the inner city
to give handouts, but to really shine light on and let God restore the hidden
and broken gems. Daily we polish these
gems to bring out their natural, God-given beauty.
Sharing the Blessing – Report from our Marriage
We really had a double purpose in
putting on this year’s marriage conference:
to bless, train
and teach couples so that they might grow in their marriage and in turn bless
other couples in their day-to-day life and be better equipped to train-up their
to impart vision
and serve as a catalyst – training and releasing others to do this kind of
conference so that it can have a further Kingdom impact in new communities.
By the numbers:
hours of teaching/activities over 2 days
adults in attendance
children/babies having a good time
11 volunteers
serving the children
churches represented
first time visitors that learned about the Good News of Jesus’ love as well as marriage!
languages: our event was presented in Spanish and English allowing more couples to engage deeper.

This event truly has served as a
catalyst for other couples and ministries helping them reach out to other
couples they know. We have 2 groups that
have taken the materials we used and are replicating it with their community
right now. We have 2 other churches
eager to do the same in the coming months.
We have been blessed in our marriage and ministry – why not pass this on
– it’s what Jesus wants from us.
A sample of what one lady shared
in her evaluation at the end of the conference:
“This conference changed my life. It changed my thoughts towards marriage. Thank you for helping me to see how marvelous it can be to love my husband.”
17 x 2 = MORE! Tutoring Increase
We will be doubling the number of
students we help from 17 to 34 this month in our tutoring program. Pray for this transition as it requires more
space than we have in our building to work comfortably…but we would rather help
more children and families than be ‘comfortable’.
Pray for quick and deep relationships to be formed as we meet about 10
new families in these next two weeks. Our
desire is to see them saved and activated as part of our church as well as part
of our tutoring ministry.
Pray that we would not lack in tutors or supplies as we make this leap
of faith to help more children.
A recent tutor training
It’s Raining….A Surprise Baby Shower
We were blessed, encouraged and surprised by a group of ladies that came together from our tutoring ministry and our church to put a baby shower together for Fabiola. They mentioned it to me (Chad) and told me to keep it a secret, but even I was surprised at all they did to bless us and celebrate with us. There was lots of food, fun games and many guests we would have never suspected. It really felt like a special time for the church to be a church - living life together. It was special that we did not have to organize or plan anything – something we hope can happen more often in the coming months and years in other areas of ministry. One family even took the step to shower us with prayers and spoke blessings over our baby and family.
Training and Releasing Teachers
We have been constantly working
on recruiting workers for our nursery and children’s classes on Sunday
morning. Fabiola has done the bulk of
this work for the last couple of years and is getting ready to hand the
majority of it off to 8 other teachers.
This does require a lot of training, meetings and organization, but soon
Fabiola will be able to focus on the baby and know that other women, men and
youth have been given the opportunity to grow through serving the
Family Update
Fabiola is not sure how much
bigger her belly can grow, but the doctors continue to encourage us that
everything is going really well. Thank you for your continued prayers!
Pray with Us…
and Baptism
This Saturday (February
22) a couple from our church will be getting married. This will be the first wedding at our
church! Everyone is getting involved and
the house where our church meets will be transformed into a very special
space. Some of the men stayed after
service on Sunday to do yard work on their own initiative as a gift to the
couple (hoping things will look extra nice on their special day).
This day is special for the
couple and our church because after the ceremony and reception the couple will
also be baptized. Please pray over this couple and our church as we celebrate their
commitment to one another and their commitment to Jesus as their Lord and
Once again we are offering a
special opportunity for our church and community – free music classes! Please
pray that we might grow musically and worshipfully as a church and that we may
reach many new youth and adults through music.
Thank you for sharing with us
your time, love, prayers, finances and encouraging words.
Together, with your help and
support, we continue to share the riches of our King with more people so that
they may open up the door to salvation and walk into their potential in
Chad, Fabiola,
Rebecca, Justice and baby boy