hearts are heavy this month. We need your help. We cannot do this alone. There
are so many people - not ten, not one hundred, not a thousand, but tens and
hundreds of thousands of people in our neighborhoods that know their life is
not right, but have yet to be told the truth and have no idea on how to get
things right. We know Jesus is the answer – we must share this amazing
Just this week in the children’s class that Fabiola teaches at church a boy that just started coming explained how he believed in many different gods because that is what his teacher at school had taught him. He was not yet aware of the one, true God. Fabiola was burdened at this information that a precious child had been hidden in the darkness for ten years before he was able to hear the truth about Jesus. This child has now been empowered and commissioned to share the love and hope of Jesus with his classmates.
“We become the voice of the voiceless, pleading their cause all the way to the throne of heaven. We demand to be heard. We insist that changes be made. Like Abraham we bargain with God over the fate of the city. Like Moses we argue with God over the fate of the people. Like Esther we plead with God over the fate of the nation.” (Richard Foster)
We need prayer more than ever. We have faith. We have vision. God gives us strength. But we need prayer. Pray for us – our family and our relationship with the Lord – but also for those that we are training up as co-laborers in this needy, yet strategic place of the world called South Central Los Angeles. Would you take a few minutes and lift us all up right now? Imagine the power being released from heaven as many of us pray together for the salvation of the many lost and broken lives wandering in the city. As we unify together we believe hundreds of thousands of people will be saved! Thank you!!
Above: Our church at our Christmas banquet. Many mighty warriors are being loved and
trained-up for Christ.
Together we will see the power of God crush out the darkness,
Chad, Fabiola, Rebecca, Justice and baby boy
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