
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Panning for Gold

It is a lot of work, but the payoff is amazing.  Like the miners of past we moved from our home in pursuit of treasure – treasure that is often buried deep in the dirt, muck and mire of life.  God sees each one of us as precious, more precious than gold, and we constantly ask for His eyes and His heart to see that gold.  Amongst a flurry of ministry this month we have seen some of the precious lives come out of the water….some quite literally.  In this last month we have had four first-time salvation commitments and three baptisms (well actually more like 64 baptisms, but you’ll have to read below for more on that). 


Summer Activities in the City

Throughout the week the children and their mothers, aunts and grandparents are building community and having a great time throughout the city.  Above they are panning for gold at the Autry Museum in Los Angeles.  Another day they all got together and got their hands dirty making cookies while the adults were able to sit back and get to know one another better.  One mother in particular has caught the vision of inviting her unchurched neighbors out to enjoy in these activities and introduce them more to the church.  The youth have also been out and about – going on bike rides, going hiking, stopping at historical donut shops and great times of talking through the Bible and other relevant conversations. 

Beach Day Fellowship 

Enjoying the majesty of God’s creation – worshipping together on the beach – spending time as families who are growing together and learning more about how to love one another. We had lots of food, fun games and good down time.
No real agenda—just time to relax and grow together. There were about 50 of us and God was at the center the whole time.

One of our youth had planned on getting baptized in the ocean, but decided the waves were too strong and the water too cold so she was baptized the following day at church. 
It was a great celebration and she shared a powerful testimony of how God’s been working in her life.  She is currently in a leadership/discipleship program.  She is pictured to the right with the youth leaders and some of the younger youth that we hope will make a decision to get baptized soon.

4th of July – Declaring our Dependence on God

With bombs bursting in air (if you’ve never been in the inner-city during the 4th of July you may not understand how ‘war like’ it really is with guns and bombs really bursting in the air) we gathered for a time of worship around the bonfire.  We also re-dedicated ourselves to depend fully on God and thank Him for this great country.  The food was amazing and families from our church really reached out to two new families that came out.

Training-up Leaders who love to Worship
This month we finished up a second 8-week guitar class.  One of the music students then played in the worship band.  We are rotating the responsibility to lead worship a little more frequently as well getting more people exposed to all that entails.  We also just had a really successful half-day music workshop where nine people from our church came out to learn more about playing different instruments.  Our church is worshipping more and more and still is yearning for more.  When we first started nobody would sing or clap or anything, now they are begging for more!

WOW Jam Outreach Crusade

We were the host church for WOW Jam for the third year. Thank you for praying – we are seeing more fruit that appears to be ‘lasting’ than the last two years. We took over the park – there were over 5,000 people in attendance! This year we set up right in front of our house. As we were on the stage all we had to do is point and say, “that is where our church meets”. The Good Year blimp was even flying overhead (though the blimp was probably there for the X-Games a few miles away J).

Here are some of the numbers:
10 babies rocked
90 bikes repaired
161 faces painted
89 family photos taken
285 bags of groceries given
66 haircuts given
100 kids crafts made
84 makeovers given
2,465 meals given
77 nails painted (well, actually 770)
202 plants given away
630 snow cones passed out
998 water given
239 volunteers helped out
373 salvation cards filled out
63 baptized

 It was powerful talking with some of the people that came out to just have fun or get some ‘free stuff’ and ended up walking away with new life in Jesus.  You could see people’s countenance change – they couldn’t stop smiling and talking about how life was so different now.  Amongst the 63 people we baptized were two girls from our church who recently have connected with God thanks to their grandmother who has been bringing them out. 
Summer Camps

We’ve sent off eight of our children to camp so far, including our own daughter.  It was amazing seeing how much our daughter and the other campers loved camp and grew in God.  The theme was “Upside Down” (see picture with upside down buildings, roads, etc. in the cafeteria) focusing on the book of Acts and how the disciples turned the world upside down and how things with Jesus aren’t the same as they are ‘in the world.’  One of our campers won the prestigious “Acorn Award” for demonstrating his faith in action and godly character throughout the week.  One of the mothers stepped-up in taking on the ministry role of counselor from our church and she did a great job!  One of our newer girls got saved and the counselor said they had amazing conversations about God at night before going to bed!

LITs at Camp (Leaders In Training)
While we can’t be at camp every minute (we have a few other things we’re doing in the inner-city) we have been able to go up towards the end of every week and check in with our campers, counselors and LITs.  Alex (pictured abpve in the hat) is in his second year and Italia (pictured below with the water gun) is in her first year.  It is a three-year program where we are mentoring and training them in ministry.  For their summers they get further practical training at the camp (and they get paid too!).  They are both learning a lot about the Bible and deepening their relationship with God.  We are impressed with how well these High Schoolers are doing at leading worship and camp songs, leading games and activities and counseling the younger children.  They will be coming back to Los Angeles this weekend to teach Sunday school and then return to finish up their summer at camp.

Justice finishes preschool
Our son ‘graduated’ from preschool this month!  Fabiola worked hard as a part of the parent’s committee.  They will both miss the school, but are looking forward to Kindergarten.  He will join his sister and us parents will have two children on the same schedule and at the same school (nice!). 

Please Pray with Us…..

ü  Strength, protection, growth for the four people that were recently SAVED.

ü  New Bible Student

Grace and focus for Merced, one of our men who is interested in leadership and possibly pastoring, while he takes a Bible class at The Urban Ministry Institute on “Practicing Christian Leadership”.

ü  Summer Camps

Still ahead we have four more camps: 
     o   7th – 8th Grade  July 22-27
o   High School  July 29-Aug. 3
o   Special Needs Camp 7/29-8/3
o   Sport’s Day Camp Jul.30-Aug.3

ü  Youth Group transition

We will be launching a bigger youth ministry this fall.   We have been attending a World Impact community youth group with our youth and now are moving towards replicating something similar in our own community - with our youth helping to take some of the leadership.  Pray for our ability to connect deeper into the new Maya Angelo High School just a block from our new teen center. 

ü  Tutoring Program
Part of our practical outreach into the community and connection to both the high school and the elementary school that sandwich our teen center is offering tutoring to the children and youth.  We are finishing up a pilot program and getting ready to launch more officially in the fall.  Pray for the details, volunteers and students. 

ü  Meeting space
We are still feeling crowded and limited in our home.  Pray with us for God to lead us to the right space soon. 

There is more gold to find!  Thanks for panning with us through your prayers, words of encouragement and financial support. 
Chad & Fabiola

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