Thank you for your prayers for our Thanksgiving outreach. We had 18 people come to our house for a Thanksgiving dinner. Though we did hand out food baskets and boxes to some of our more needy neighbors and friends we really wanted this to be a time to come together and grown in our relationship with people and not just be “another hand out”. So Fabiola invited a handful of ladies to help cook the Thanksgiving meal with her. There were others that were unable to make the preparation time at our house so we helped gather up the needed ingredients for their dishes so that they could prepare something at home to bring to our feast. We had several families and our regular Wednesday night Bible study and prayer group in attendance. We all sat at a long table (see photo below) and had a special time in prayer and then enjoyed a great meal, laughing the night away with stories and just getting to know one another better. This was the first time three of them had ever come into our home.
On Thursday, we were invited to two other Thanksgiving celebrations and were able to continue to grow relationships, express our values and the heart of thankfulness and dedication to God and get to know even more people (extended families).
On Sunday, during our normal outreach/church service at South Park we were able to work with some volunteers and serve a full Thanksgiving meal. The homeless, some day laborers and others that sell concessions all greatly appreciated the meal. Afterwards we had enough food left over that we were able to call some of our other friends and neighbors and drop off plates of food and sweat bread just to bless them and share in the holiday spirit of giving.
Prayer Points
· This Saturday (Dec. 5) we take a group out on an excursion out of the city. Legal, money and health issues are pulling some people who were planning to go potentially out of the trip. Pray that everyone that should be there is able to come. Pray that they would all enjoy a refreshing time and that the Christmas message that we present at the end will be powerful and penetrate deep.
· Please pray for complete healing and restoration of one of our closer friends here who has been admitted to the psychiatric ward at the hospital. She has three young children, who are being watched by a relative.
· Pray that our relationships with people that are still on an acquaintance or friend level will develop deeper and people will radically decide to leave their old lives behind in order to follow Christ. Specifically pray for Guadalupe, who is very open, but has some concerns based on some bad past experiences with ‘religion.’

· This Saturday (Dec. 5) we take a group out on an excursion out of the city. Legal, money and health issues are pulling some people who were planning to go potentially out of the trip. Pray that everyone that should be there is able to come. Pray that they would all enjoy a refreshing time and that the Christmas message that we present at the end will be powerful and penetrate deep.
· Please pray for complete healing and restoration of one of our closer friends here who has been admitted to the psychiatric ward at the hospital. She has three young children, who are being watched by a relative.
· Pray that our relationships with people that are still on an acquaintance or friend level will develop deeper and people will radically decide to leave their old lives behind in order to follow Christ. Specifically pray for Guadalupe, who is very open, but has some concerns based on some bad past experiences with ‘religion.’
Like Anna, the prophetess (Luke 2:36-38), we are eagerly anticipating celebrating the coming of our King and Savior. We are thankful that He came and that He will come again. We are thankful for faithful friends and family that support us with their prayers and help us do what we’re doing with their own sacrificial giving. We are thankful that God has chosen to use us and we get to be “on the ground” meeting and helping these beautiful people know Jesus.
“[Anna] never left the Temple area, worshiping night and day with her fastings and prayers. At the very time Simeon was praying, she showed up, broke into an anthem of praise to God [giving thanks], and talked about the child to all who were waiting expectantly for the freeing of Jerusalem [all believers]” (Luke 2:36-28, The Message, additions are mine). We are free because He came! Thanks be to God.
Breaking into an anthem of praise,
Chad & Fabiola
“[Anna] never left the Temple area, worshiping night and day with her fastings and prayers. At the very time Simeon was praying, she showed up, broke into an anthem of praise to God [giving thanks], and talked about the child to all who were waiting expectantly for the freeing of Jerusalem [all believers]” (Luke 2:36-28, The Message, additions are mine). We are free because He came! Thanks be to God.
Breaking into an anthem of praise,
Chad & Fabiola
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