Can you believe that nobody in our group knew what Christmas was all about?
They shrugged their shoulders and shared what they thought Christmas with comments like:
“It is a good way to wind down the year.”
“It is a time to get together with family and tell them that we’re thankful for them and give them gifts.”
“A time to use any extra money we have to buy things.”
WOW! There wasn’t even an, “Oh, that’s what I meant.” or “I’ve heard of that before.”, just wide eyes taking it all in when I started sharing from Luke 2, about the Savior’s birth and how significant that event is for all of us. We also reflected on how Jesus is our Emmanuel, our God with us. This event took place on December 5th so we were still early in the time of Advent. I shared how this time is meant for us to reflect and anticipate the coming King. He came as a baby and shared His life and death with us, but I also challenged each person to prepare for the second coming of the King in all of His glory. What a wonderful thing to wait expectantly and prepare for! What a great day to get the opportunity to build relationships deeper and wider and allow each one learn of the coming King. Thank you for your prayers.

Adelso & Faustina (Tina) – Remember the couples that surprised us by coming to Rebecca’s birthday party after meeting them on the sidewalk the day before? We had them over for tea and coffee last Wednesday night and had a wonderful two hour discussion about God and having a living, active faith. Both of them are excited about continuing to meet with us and study the Word and pray. We feel like they are getting close to accepting the Lord and giving their life to Him, but know it is a spiritual battle with a lot of unknown factors and ask that you would pray for them and for us as we continue to reach out to them and other neighbors like them.
Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs:
December 30
Focus: What are the real and felt needs of our community and how can we partner with God to be a part of the solution?
Focus: Families of South Park community
Focus: Homeless, Day Labors, Drug & Alcohol Addicts, Prostitutes of South Park and surroundings.
Focus: Laying out the vision, plans, strategies, and tasks for the coming year and beyond.
We pray you have a fantastic Christmas celebration with family and friends remembering the greatest gift any of us have ever received—Christ.
Thank you for celebrating Christmas with us through your prayers, encouraging emails and cards, and financial support.
We send our love!
Chad, Fabiola, Rebecca and Justice Wolyn