As we share a few stories with you please keep us and these people in prayer. Everyday there is another opportunity to help bring healing to a hurting heart—Jesus is so passionate about reaching His people. Thank you for joining us in this rescue mission.
Home Group on Mondays 10am-Noon
Miguel & Soila (pictured below with Justice)
Home Group on Mondays 10am-Noon
Miguel & Soila (pictured below with Justice)

Primo & Vere (2 children: Denis y Alisa and niece)
Home Group on Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm
Francisco & Zaira (3 kids: Jair, Yamilect, Melody)
Carlos- It was one of those times you walk by somebody and you feel a tug in your heart to go talk to them. I knew it was the Holy Spirit, but I really wanted to keep walking. Yet, I found myself, while somewhat reluctantly, returning to talk to this young man sitting against the wall with his bike at the park. All I did was invite him to the service that we were holding around the corner. He got up almost immediately and began to walk in that direction thanking me. I continued on to the other part of the park where we have the children’s ministry to get things set up there. While we were cleaning up at the end this same young guy came back and began sharing how he had just been robbed early that day and being so upset about that had gone and drunk more beer than he should have. He asked if I would “Please could you come to my house this week and pray with me.” We’ve been asking God to draw people to Himself and help us to be a part of the process and here was Carlos, an answer to that prayer. I had a great time of conversation and prayer at his house later that week and now we are waiting to meet up with him at our Wednesday night home group. He shared that his mother, who still lives in Guatemala, is a believer and that he has always thought he was too, but is now realizing that he can’t be a Christian just because his mom is and is making some real steps to make a personal decision to follow Jesus for himself. Please help pray him into the Kingdom and into spiritual maturity as we continue to meet with him.
Efran, Luis, Santo, Gegorio- These four guys are day labor workers that I met last week. They came out to our service out in the park and I was able to share the Gospel with them. They said they were interested in coming back every Sunday and also coming to our house for our home group on Wednesday. Pray with us for these men and many others to come get connected to God and raised up as men of influence.
Outreach at the Park Sundays 3:30pm-5:30pm
Italia- Part of the vision of our outreach on Sundays at our park is to “empower parents to raise godly children” and have the parents join the team (and eventually take over) this ministry. We want to eventually pass the baton on to others. While we’re waiting for the right connections to arise from the parents, we’ve begun training our first “junior volunteer”. Since she has been coming faithfully along with her younger sisters and a brother we’ve had our eye on here. She is part of the family of 10 that live in the park. She is very bright and since she is much older than the majority of the children that come it seemed like a good opportunity to begin the training up even if it wasn’t a mother or father, but a 14 year old girl. Fabiola has been meeting with Italia once a week after school and is working with her on how to do as much during the outreach as possible, while working on her Bible knowledge and memorization and character things. Please pray that she will be a key to reaching her parents and the first of many we can train to lead this and future ministries.
Upcoming Birthday Party/Outreach (Saturday, November 7th)
Please pray with us also for Rebecca’s 4th birthday party. We are gearing up for a big birthday celebration where we are going to invite virtually everyone we have met and can think of to help provide some more relationship building time. This will probably be our first real big expense as we’re planning on a lot of food, a piñata of course and maybe even a jump-house (which is almost par for the course around here). We want Rebecca to feel special and honored, but this is just as much an excuse to get people to come and spend time with us and we even hope we’ll get invited to their houses for future parties and events. Neither of us are very gifted in ‘party planning’ so beyond the spiritual aspects of relationships and conversations please pray for everything to go smoothly before, during and after.

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