Puebla, Mexico is a city of over 1.5 million people situated in a large valley surrounded by mountains and volcanoes. The city is located 67 miles east of Mexico City. The photo on top is a picture of the most active volcano Popocatepetl. The photo on the bottom is looking back at the neighborhood I (Chad) lived in when I came to minister in Puebla 7 years ago.
We were blessed beyond our imagination by the great reception we received. Fabiola’s home church in Puebla invited us to share with the congregation what we’ll be doing and they have agreed to support us $500 a month as a church and many individuals have also made a pledge to support us with what they can 50 pesos or 100 pesos a month (about $3.50 - $7.50 USD). They have put us in on their weekly prayer agenda and are excited about reaching the world through missions in Los Angeles, California.
We were taken care of very well – much of our trip was paid for and extra offerings that we received helped out as well. It is amazing how many people in Mexico know of somebody in LA. We now have some possible contacts (family members, friends, business partners, etc.) to start with once we get there. During our three weeks there we met with about 90 different pastors and leaders and spoke in front of and were prayed for by about 2,400 people in various churches.
While in Veracruz during a Saturday evening service after we had shared with the people and invited them to join us in prayer they took time out of their service to pray intensely for this mission. While they were praying, Fabiola received a picture from God of gang members coming off the street throwing down their weapons and money and coming to embrace the cross.
Veracruz, Mexico – March 21-22, 2009
Top: Church Service on Sunday Morning Bottom: Men’s Encounter Retreat
We also participated in a powerful Encounter Retreat for the men of Veracruz on our last weekend. It was there after sharing our vision to plant churches in urban America amongst the poor, the gangs and drug addicts that a man came up to us and shared his story with us. His name is Alberto.
Alberto came to the United States like many looking for opportunity, a better life and more income. Instead, upon arriving to Los Angeles he found drugs, violence and a life of crime. He joined with the mostly Hispanic gang called 18th Street (also seen as XV3, XVIII, 666, dieciocho, etc.) and sold and used drugs in and around MacArthur Park.

World Impact currently has a church plant meeting at this park every Sunday.
The 18th Street gang has grown to be California's most fragmental and largest street gang, with membership in the tens of thousands, with many satellite gangs. Out of this, it is estimated that about 60% of its members are illegal immigrants, according to a confidential report by the state's Department of Justice.*

The story of this man of God, Alberto, and his journey to become a Christ follower filled us with so much more hope and even more urgency as it put flesh to the vision we have to see men and women brought to Christ and restored and then raised up to serve God in the capacity they were made to serve Him. We desire to plant a church that will reach the Nations—we believe that in Los Angeles we can see that vision realized. Please join us. The Mexican people we spent these last 3 weeks with were praying so sincerely and so intensely. Let’s join their prayers and believe God to transform one our largest cities so that within this “city of Angels” we, the growing body of Christ, might be a fountain of life and hope to the world.
Please pray with us about the following:
·A continued increase in monthly support…that God would unite our hearts with others that desire to see God’s kingdom advance and have the means to give – even sacrificially to the cause.
·Wisdom on a move date to Los Angeles—God’s timing.
·Key future leaders would be touched and set apart by God for His glory…and that we’d be able to connect with them and help them effectively become productive and powerful members of the body of Christ by God’s power once we get to LA.
Inspired by God’s sacrifice and love-His goodness and grace,
The Wolyns
Chad and Rebecca with an old Kid Links disciple, Miguel, and his sister much grown up since our days together in Mexico in 2002.
*"Southern California's Largest Gang Aims for Dominance", The Los Angeles Times November 17, 1996
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