of the biggest blessings, and challenges, in life is being a parent. Nothing compares to that joy. This month we were able to celebrate with
other parents – during mother’s day – and teach about, impart and celebrate
that gift. As church planters and
missionaries we are not only parents to our three lovely children, but also
spiritual parents to many people. This
month we would like to share about the Mother’s Day event, but also a little
bit about how we are empowering our ‘children’ to use what God has given them
to serve Him and grow God’s family to be healthy, bigger and stronger.
Mother’s Day Pampering Event
day before Mother’s Day we had a beautiful event to speak life into mothers and
spoil them so that they can hear, feel and know that they are loved and
special. There were 22 women, along with
over 30 children (and thankfully some 20 volunteers) that participated in this

The women heard a powerful, encouraging message from Fabiola and then were treated to tea, a massage, manicure and pedicure. Their children were out of sight making crafts, playing games and having a great time allowing the mother’s to have a break.
are some quotes from the ladies:
“Thank you for taking
time for us.”
“This is like nothing I
have experienced – I have never been spoiled and pampered with tea and massages
before. It makes me feel so special.”
One lady said the following with tears in her eyes, “I decided to come
today to celebrate Mother’s Day with you and my time was so special and
“Wow! What a beautiful
event. That was my first massage I have ever had in my life.”
“This is my first time
having a manicure and pedicure. What a
lovely experience. It is possible to rest.”
“I’m so glad that I
came to listen to this message – it was beautiful.”
“My children had such a
fun time. It was perfect.”
Soon to be a new “mother”
of the exciting results of this event is that in inviting a group of her
friends to this event Yuri realized that she had the makings of a small
group. After being encouraged by another
couple who recently launched their small group in their home she shared how God
had been tugging at her heart to get involved with a group. She didn’t know how or when or even who to
invite, but then when she was at this Mother’s Day event she realized that she
had several ladies right there that she invited that she should ask to join her
in a new group. Yuri has already been
through a 12-week training course on leading a group and will be launching a
small group this coming week where she will help teach these new ladies about
the Word of God, life with Jesus and how to grow spiritually. Please
thank God for this exciting new adventure for Yuri and pray for her and for
these ladies that they might all grow closer to God and one another.
Please Pray with Us…
Preparing our
“children” to stay home alone
continue to make preparations for our absence this summer. We will be taking time to drive to Northern
California, Oregon and Washington to visit with friends and family and
strengthen our support team. (We are
currently $1,500/month lower that we need to be to continue ministry at our
full support level.)
have scheduled a little bit of down time too where we can sit and listen to God
about this coming season of ministry. We
have been in South Central Los Angeles ministering for 6 years now. In that time we have seen God do so many
wonderful things. The church we started
several years ago, Fuente para las Naciones (Fountain for the Nations), while
not a mega-church is not longer a small Bible study meeting in our home.
we are away this summer we will be giving the emerging leaders an opportunity to
grow without our guidance and oversight. We are not
envisioning anything from the movie “Home Alone”. We have prepared, prayed and planned on
this…so are anticipating a great report upon our return. Here are few of the things we have put in
order…all things a year or two ago we did by ourselves…and now will be handled
by individuals that have been growing up in this church:
4 Teaching Sunday school
4 Preaching on
4 Leading worship/worship team
4 Leading worship/worship team
4 Running and
setting up sound/video
4 Maintenance and cleaning
of building
4 Outreaches in
the community
4 Leading small
groups/hosting in homes
4 Organizing
summer camps, counselors, drivers, fund raising
4 Leading and
helping in youth ministry
4 Ushers and
greeter ministry
4 Setting-up/tearing-down
for Sunday service and Tutoring/ESL ministry
Having all of this in place
is a huge relief. We can now step away
for a bit this summer – get our financial support in order, pray for others and
be prayed for, share meals…think, laugh, share….and then return to continue
doing our part of investing in God’s Kingdom in Los Angeles and beyond.
Tutoring End of the Year Celebration/Graduation Sunday,
June 7th
Wolyn Family visiting friends/family and strengthening support team Summer 2015
you for your prayers. It is an honor to
serve God and live life constantly on mission for Him. Thank you for joining us on this mission –
together we can raise-up more and more generations that know, love and fear God
Chad, Fabiola,
Rebecca, Justice and Beniah