"I have come face to face with evil
and what part it plays in our lives, past, present, and future. I am realizing,
though, that God is God and He is purposeful in destroying what evil intends
for harm." Mary Beth Chapman
Part of having a heart for the city is
exposing ourselves to real people with real needs. Not hiding oneself out of self-preservation,
but allowing the light and hope of Christ to penetrate through evil. While this
is the example Jesus gave us through his life on Earth it is not always easy,
comfortable or painless. While we celebrate the joy and truth that beauty will come out of the ashes, we also feel
the pain sin can bring to a community transitioning through the darkness into
the uncontainable light.
Some highlights this month of how we’ve seen light shine in the
Continued evangelism:
New people being brought to the
women’s meeting, prayer meeting, Sunday service…
Continued growth in emerging leadership and in the church:

Continued growth in emerging leadership and in the church:
Youth growing in leading worship
in English and Spanish

People are growing in ministry and doing more independent of us as missionaries.
For example:
Leading mid-week
meetings· Opening/closing the church
· Sharing their faith with friends, family and even others they don’t know
· Presenting ideas to help grow the church and putting them into practice
One of our classes in the tutoring program
Some of the ladies practice their
English in our ESL – English class
Fabiola honors and trains the
teachers and assistants that work so hard to teach our children about Jesus.
We baptized two people this
month: Jose & Michelle (and enjoyed a great celebration afterwards)
Family News
Rebecca turns 9 on November 5th.
is a great help at home.Justice turned 7 years old this month. Very creative and full of love!
Beniah turned 7 months. It is super easy to get this guy to share a smile. J

Please Pray with Us…
This month there have been more
pastoral care needs arising. As we grow
as a church there are new ways we need to feed, lead, protect, guide and
discipline the believers.
Pray for wisdom for us and also for spiritual growth and maturity
through the ‘growing pains’ and attacks of the enemy.
Pray for our upcoming events that will strengthen our church family as well as give us opportunity to reach more people for Jesus Christ:
· Worship music workshop – November 8
· Fuente Church anniversary service. Celebrating 4 years of meeting as a church! – Nov. 9
· Thanksgiving Meal Outreach – November 23
· Christmas Outreach – December 14
Thank you for your prayers. We need you!
We recently polled our church to
see how they felt we could better help and equip them. One of the answers we
heard over and over again was pray for us…pray for us more!
We would ask the same of you –
please pray with us that we could lead more people to Jesus and that new
believers and emerging leaders alike would grow in strength. And also pray for us – we need that
May God richly bless and
encourage you!
Chad, Fabiola,
Rebecca, Justice and Beniah