We hope you realize how important you are to us. We have been charged with the task of evangelizing the lost, equipping future leaders and planting churches yet we do this work as a team. We really are surviving on God’s grace and the prayers and encouragement you send our way. Physically we are able to dedicate ourselves to the urban poor and society’s shunned because we have people willing to support us financially.
Through Jesus then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15 ~ Thank you!
Thanksgiving Dinner 2011

“I thank God because he took me out of the garbage. I have never really thanked God for the patience of my wife – the little faith she had – to hold on and trust in me when I was going through my hard times and walking far away from Him. God knows me and that is the most marvelous thing. I know that I don’t deserve the great things that come to me, but God knows. He has been patient with me – life hasn’t been easy, but I see that they are tests and trials of our faith. We need to just keep doing what we know to do – follow God.”
“There is so much to give thanks to God for…this year God has been so generous to me….Sunday we went with the church and helped bring food to the people on the street. It is a privilege to be able to give. People of all ages were trying to stay warm and dry after the big storm and it was amazing to be able to serve them. I was also surprised because the person that donated the food had two small babies in the car. We come up with excuses all the time for why we can’t do things, but we need to give thanks for what God has done through these people.”
“I’m thankful for Fabiola and for this church and for Chad because this is where I was able to meet and know God.”
“I give thanks to God and also for my mom for doing so much for me. Thanks to Chad and Fabiola for having this church. Thanks for this day that we’re all together and enjoying the food and thanks for each one of you.” (14 year old)
“Thanks for my children. I left the way of the Lord because everything was going well and I took my eyes of the Lord and began following man. But thanks to God for bringing us back to Him when we wandered away. I see my children worshiping and serving God and it brings so much joy to my life. The tests have been hard, but thanks to Chad and Fabiola because they have helped us. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to move. I’m thankful for all this food that we have to share with one another. I’m going through a hard time, but God pulls me through. Don’t put your eyes on man – they will let you down, but God will never let you down. Man isn’t perfect; God is! Thank God for life every morning. Things don’t get easier just because we come to church or walk with the Lord, but it will be better.”
“I give thanks to God for everything. The thing I most want to give thanks to God is I always feel like God is with me. I didn’t always feel that. But I know how much He loves me. I was the first in my family to move towards God – and now most of us in my extended family are coming closer to God. Thanks to God for my family, and for my health. I want to encourage those that are just starting to come out and just starting to know Jesus that you may feel discouraged, but that is normal – we’ve all felt that. Don’t give up – stick it out – God is the one that will change us and help us and He will be with you and will bring you through it all.”
“I’m thankful that I can call this church my ‘family’. It has been hard for me to not have any of my family with me since they are all in Mexico, but God has been good to me in bringing me you guys.”
“First I want to thank God for my children, for their health and my health also for being able to know this church. This wasn’t in my plans, but God knows and I know it happened for a reason. God put this church in my path. God picked me up from my hurting place. I wasn’t homeless or anything, but I was on a path of bitterness and had no direction. This hasn’t been easy and I don’t always have the patience that I need with my children [as a single parent of three children under the age of 5]. But God and this church have helped me organize my life a little bit and I’m in school now [to learn English]– and so are all my kids. And there is so much to thank God for and I’m trying to pray like you’ve all taught me to do. I’ve learned a lot of things here – thank you for everything.”
“I’m giving thanks for God’s mercy and love and that we can all be together. It was just two years ago that I was very preoccupied. I was raised in a family that talked about Jesus and my biggest worry was that my two daughters wouldn’t know about Him because my wife didn’t want to know the Good News. I prayed for my family, but she was closed and not interested. First thanks to God and then to Chad and Fabiola for helping bring my wife into the Kingdom of God. I hope that more people can come to the knowledge of our God.”
Javier Preaching
Thank you for praying for Javier. He did a good job preaching. The church was really blessed. We continue to pour into him and others to develop their gifts and their skills in leadership.
A group from our church headed up to the OAKS campground for special all day time together. It was cold (for Southern California) and the bus broke down, but thankfully we were able to pull together a few vehicles and get to camp. Unlike previous years where families go off and do their own thing, this year we all stayed together like one HUGE family. 
We started off at the fire circle sharing words of encouragement and affirmation to one another (see picture above). Then we went on a hike together. The rest of the day we spent doing eating and doing Christmas crafts.

Christmas Program & Dinner – Friday, December 16
Our church really wanted the opportunity to spend quality fun time and fellowship for Christmas. We had such an amazing Thanksgiving together (see above for more details) and this provides an easy place for everyone to invite friends and family to a church event.
Serving our Neighbors – Thursday & Friday, December 29-30
During these two days of vacation our church will be providing some child care for women in our neighborhood for two hours. Pray that this will be an effective bridge into sharing the Gospel and building relationships.
Fuente para las Naciones hosts dinner for visiting church
Want some authentic Mexican, Guatemalan and Salvadorian food? You should come and visit us sometime when we are organizing an event like this one! Our church will be putting on a feast for a visiting youth group that is helping with some of these evangelistic outreaches.
End of the Year Fair (at South Park) – Friday, December 30
We are hoping for at least 100 children – and great conversations with the parents and grandparents. This will be our third year doing this carnival type event in the park – but this time our church will be out in full force to serve in every area possible. See our cool shirts (pictured in the Christmas at the Oaks group picture).
HELP! Fair (at South Park) – Saturday, December 31
We have been pooling resources and unifying with other ministries and organizations all year to be able to help the community from just about every angle. We will cover their spiritual needs through testimonies, preaching, music – rap and worship, dramas and dance. We will have food, clothes, hygiene packs and other resources (like counseling, medical, shelter or rehab programs, etc.) all on hand as well to cover their physical and emotional needs.
Family Teaching Series
Starting in January we will be studying God’s design for the family – including everything from dating to marriage and family dynamics including child rearing. This is one of the biggest real and felt needs in the community. Pray we’d be able to attract and reach a new group of people. We will be advertizing this series at all of the above events.