We have had three amazing interns this summer that sacrificially gave their all so that our church plant, Fuente para las Naciones, could continue growing and maturing. We have also had perfectly timed phone calls, emails, and visits from friends and family that have encouraged us. We are continually thrilled to see how more and more of the individuals at Fuente are stepping up and taking responsibility. Many hands make light work. In fact, as we come together in unity all across this globe, many hands make LIGHT work – where God’s glory and presence is shown and can be known in the darkest areas.
Reaching Out To Help Pimps & Prostitutes

Being asked by a church 5 times our size to help them and train them in children’s ministry is quite a compliment to what we do. We ran an afternoon vacation bible school (VBS) for this church as part of an open air church service for the community. The VBS was planned by our team and then executed by a combination of our church and their church. It was great for our church to join in and serve and catch the vision of working in unity for the Kingdom of God and not just focusing on our needs as a local church. There were probably 200- 300 people out for the service that day.

We received a phone call late one night to the excited voice of Abraham. He was saying that he just got word of a church building that was for rent and thought we should check it out. (As you know we have been praying about a building for a very long time now.) Great ownership and fantastic enthusiasm on Abraham’s part to take the initiative. The following day we made our way over to see the building and hear about the price and arrangement. The price was actually reasonable, but we as a church still cannot cover even that expense on our own. This did, however, prove to be a wonderful challenge area and rallying point for us to bring back to the congregation. (The building unfortunately is also too far – since over half of our congregation walks to church it would need to be within walking distance to continue reaching the community where we have planted this church.)
This visit to the ‘potential’ church location stirred us all up and realizing we didn’t have enough money or even leaders to really fulfill what we believe God wants us to do here in this city moved us to action. We called a special meeting and during that meeting Graciela stepped up to pray and fast on a regular basis so that we can see revival in this community – a growing burden on her heart. Erica and Nancy stepped up without being asked or prompted to lead the High School and College Aged ministry. Merced agreed to meet with me in a more rigorous discipleship relationship to move into more of a teaching role.
Please Pray With Us
School Supplies Outreach
We are blessed to have received donated school supplies from Separated for Christ Ministries and plan on distributing those next week to those most in need in our community.
We are praying that this will open up new relationship so that we can share the Good News in word and deed with more families in this community. We are also shooting for this to be a church run ministry (volunteers from the church) and not something that we do by ourselves.
Wolyn Family Vacation
We have not had a true – do nothing/be with nobody – vacation since moving to Los Angeles two years ago. We will be staying at a beach house that somebody has given us to use so that we can recharge and keep running to win this race that God has given us.
Pray that our time would be truly restful and we would create memories as a family that would last a lifetime.
Family Camp - September 3-5 (Labor Day Weekend)
There are 80 of us heading up to the mountain to enjoy some time away from the city as families and as a church family. We are planning four teaching times, powerful worship as a church and some hard hitting Christian movies in addition to tons of fun and relaxation that will take place.
Pray with us for unity and powerful ministry times.
Derek Cardwell visits from the Philippines - September 6-11
We are so excited and honored to have long time missionary Derek and his family come and spend close to a week with us. They will be ministering to our church on three different evenings and we hope to be able to minister to them in a powerful and real way as well.
We are praying that our congregation will grow more passionate and go deeper in the things of God as a result of what God does through this time. We are also praying that our congregation gets stirred up for world missions and falls in love with the nations of the world beyond their comfort zone.
The Workers Are Few….
We have implemented a rotation of assistant teachers to help provide all the parents that regularly attend the church meetings an opportunity to see and learn what ministry to their children looks like.
Pray with us that the parents would catch the vision, take ownership and have passion to serve as Sunday school teachers and teacher’s assistant in the various age groups.
Follow-up to Sport’s Camp
We have a lot of homes to visit!
Please pray for God’s favor and soft and hungry hearts as we follow-up on the children and their families that came out to the Sport’s Camp we had at the beginning of this month.
First Day of School
Our son, Justice, is on his way to Preschool starting the beginning of September. Rebecca is starting first grade at a new school. This means for the first time since Rebecca was born we’ll have half a day with no little people in the house --- well except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays when we have Bible studies in the mornings and the mothers bring their kids.
Please pray for our family in this time of transition. It is exciting, but always a little hard to move to the next stage. We’re praying they will both do well and make really good friendships that honor God.
Thank you for folding your hands with us in prayer – many hands makes LIGHT work,
Chad & Fabiola