Highlights of the Last Month
Christmas Party

Getting into every household and being able to spend some time visiting and blessing families was one of the highlights of this last month. A group from New Song Community Church in La Grande, Oregon had it on their heart to bless all the children in our church with Christmas gifts and we got to go and deliver them. Everyone was so grateful and many parents shared with us that they were not going to be able to buy anything for their children and so these gifts extra special for them.

New Year’s Carnival
On New Year’s Day we had a great time at the park with some 150+ people. For us it wasn’t the great fun everyone had, the food we gave out or even the gospel message that was shared through the drama and teaching that was the highlight, but the fact that five of our core families came out and helped put it on. They mingled and shared information about our church and about the purpose of our being in the park: building community and sharing the Good News of Jesus. One of our youth, Sol (pictured in second row below), brought along a few of her friends.

Our first day dedicated solely to praying and fasting for one another, the needs in the church, and our community was amazing. We were able to pray with several of our neighbors, pray though a house, lift up many prayers of thanksgiving, praise and make faith-filled declarations over our church and community. We look forward to starting a weekly prayer meeting now as there is not only a need, but also an interest in the church for pressing in more to the things of God.
Community Outreach

Winter Youth Retreat

Please Pray With Us For:
· Travel to Mexico
We are leaving for Mexico this week to spend some time with Fabiola’s family and visit her home church. Pray for our travels and divine connections both with family and in ministry.
· Growing Leadership
While we are in Mexico our team will keep all the meetings, evangelism and follow-up running smoothly. Merced and Abraham will be working together and stepping up in their responsibilities during the Wednesday night church time. Pray for them as Abraham leads worship and Merced teaches.
· Valentine’s Outreach
We are excited about showing Fireproof on Friday, February 11 as an outreach and fun Christ-centered Valentine’s date activity. Pray that we would have a lot of new guests and that marriages would be strengthened.
· Raising Funds for Fuente para las Naciones
Lately the church has really taken more ownership and responsibility to help bring funds into the church. So, the plan is the Saturday before our monthly Sunday worship service various members of the church will come together to put on a yard sale of items the church has donated or collected to make some extra money. Several of the ladies have also begun bringing various food and drink items to sell. Pray that our income (through tithes, offerings, donations, fund raising, etc.) would continue to grow and be fruitful and that the people would continue to ‘birth’ these ideas and take ownership that would benefit the church as a whole.
· Figuring out Sundays
Please continue to pray for our Sunday Service (2nd Sunday of the Month). Our mid-week service remains the most attended even though this Celebration Service is meant to bring all the different groups together for praise & worship and fellowship. Pray that we would have the wisdom to know how to grow on Sundays.
· Marriage Retreat
We are planning an all day in-house marriage conference. We still are working out the details of the volunteers and activities needed for all the kid’s of the parents for this daylong event to work. Please pray for the details as we prepare the teaching, activities and continue looking for volunteers.
Thank you for being involved in our lives and ministry!
God Bless,
Chad & Fabiola